Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Papers

I have always admired great writers. Writers, poets and thinkers. The way they elegantly express their feelings with such wisdom, grace and class.  At times I believe I have the capacity to convey my thoughts on paper like them...but I don't give myself those opportunities, mainly because of the fear and doubt that constantly acts as my barrier. The teacher said create a blog. Bleh-my first reaction. Well, here it is, my chance to show myself that I can write. I am no poet. I don't know every rule and rhythm, but, non the less, I will write. I feel like sometimes I get these magnificent thoughts, ideas and I need to preserve them. Henry David Thoreau told us:  "I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark." Here are my papers. Be it my thoughts expressed on a recent worldly event, or thoughts in the dark when I can't sleep, which is very likely-I tend to lie in bed for hours pondering every aspect of life-Let the writing begin.